The Path

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar radiyalaahu anhuma had mentioned, "Whoever wishes to follow the way of another, should follow the ways of those who have passed away. These were the companions of Muhammad sallalaahu alayhi wassalam, who were the best people of this Ummah. Their hearts were most pious, their knowledge was deepest and they were least pretentious. They were people whom Allah Ta'ala had chosen to be companions of His Nabi sallalaahu alayhi wassalam and for the transmission of His Deen. You people should emulate their character and mannerisms. By the Rabb of the Kaabah! The Sahabah radiyalaahu anhum of Rasulullah sallalaahu alayhi wassalam were correctly guided."

Wednesday 14 July 2010

Comfort of Life

My father told me one day
I was born the morning on Monday
He cuddled me close to his body
And whispered in my ear
Allah is Great! Allah is Great!
Allah is Great! Allah is Great!
I guess I was too small to remember

When I was a toddler
The one thing that I could remember
When I cried night and day of hunger
My mother would not let me suffer
Feeding me, I recalled her smile and tender
Not long before I believed
My mother provided me with comfort of life

As I grew up, mummy and daddy's little angel
I felt more precious than a rare pearl
Daddy brought home candies and trifles
Not long before I believed
My father provided me with comfort of life

In a distant land I sat in lectures
Speaking the language of the past masters  
In the company of strange exotic people I lingered
Not long before I believed
My degree provided me with comfort of life

Stuck in a little room every day
I took orders without any say
Every month I waited for the pay
Not long before I believed
My boss provided me with comfort of life

The persistence of the callers made me curious
Invited me to sit in the company of the wise and pious
Teaching me not to depend on others
For we are all helpless
When it is only Allah who provide us all with comfort of life

Praise be to Allah who showed me the Way
None others except Him for us to pray
Indeed I had long been drifted away
O my brothers! Please do not turn away
Pause and listen to what I have to say
Allah is Great! Allah is Great!
Allah is Great! Allah is Great!


  1. "When it is only Allah who provide us all with comfort of life"

    kita selalu keliru

  2. Anonymous,

    Sekejap ingat tapi selalunya lupa... saya lah tu.
