The Path

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar radiyalaahu anhuma had mentioned, "Whoever wishes to follow the way of another, should follow the ways of those who have passed away. These were the companions of Muhammad sallalaahu alayhi wassalam, who were the best people of this Ummah. Their hearts were most pious, their knowledge was deepest and they were least pretentious. They were people whom Allah Ta'ala had chosen to be companions of His Nabi sallalaahu alayhi wassalam and for the transmission of His Deen. You people should emulate their character and mannerisms. By the Rabb of the Kaabah! The Sahabah radiyalaahu anhum of Rasulullah sallalaahu alayhi wassalam were correctly guided."

Monday 9 May 2011

An Introduction to Masturat Jamaat - Pt 6

"Why should I go out leaving the house and the children for three days? Is it not sufficient just to read the ta'leem at home with the children? If you want to go out for tabligh, then go! Leave me out of it." That might not be her exact speech word by word, but that was certainly the gist of it when I asked her to join the three days masturat jamaat that had been formed. I had to refrain myself from turning my invitation to a prolonged argument that may be detrimental to the whole intent and purpose - mainly, because I could easily get agitated and angry as a husband and as a father; another reason was because of the advises that I got from friends who have experience in masturat effort: "Hawa had been created by Allah Ta'ala from the rib of Prophet Adam alayhi salam. Hence, like the shape of the rib, women's liking and behaviour is naturally 'bended'. You cannot use force to straighten it, alas it will break in two. But if you leave it as it is, it will forever be 'bended'." 

So, when the scheduled date to join the earlier formed masturat jamaat had passed in vain, I told my other half that I would go for another tafakud for the second time, albeit her protest.

Hazrat Mufti Mahmud Hassan Gangohi rahmatullah alayhi further wrote, "The objective of the tabligh jamaat is to learn the Deen and to become steadfast in it as well as to prepare others to do the same. It is often necessary to undertake distant journeys for this purpose. Just as men need to learn the Deen, women do too, but there is not always the infrastructure in place for this. To achieve this objective, it will be permissible for them to undertake journeys even to London on condition that they are accompanied by a mahram, hijab and other regulations are observed and no rights of any people are violated. In fact, doing this is beneficial and necessary for the Deen. If the children are not so small that they are totally dependent on their mother and if the grandmother is capable of caring for them, there will be no harm in the mother going. May Allah Ta'ala bless this journey, assist the jamaat, bring them back with success and take care of the children."


  1. Assalamu'alaikum.

    Bagi yang dah berpengalaman keluar masturat, insyaAllah akan mendapat kesan dan manfaat yang besar dari khuruj tersebut.

    Kadang-kadang isteri memang nak ikut kita keluar jemaah masturat. Tapi buat-buat jual mahal, sebab nak kita beri perhatian pada dia kot. Jadi, ikram lebih sikit insyaAllah akan keluar juga tu, apapun ikram isteri ada seninya yang tersendiri. Fikir isteri juga perlu dibentuk agar ada fikir 'da'ei' macam sahabiah r.ha.
    Tolong doakan kami haji, insyaAllah azam hendak keluar 10hari masturat cuti sekolah hujung Mei 2011 ini.

  2. assalamualaikum,
    sesungguhnya Allah melihat pengorbanan yang kita wat untuk agama. don't ever give up, n pray continously to Allah for Him to choose u n ur wie to go out in the path of Allah, insyaallah. sesungguhnya Allah bersama-sama orang yang sabar..

  3. Assalamualaykum Ishak Zaini,
    Jazakallah atas nasihat tuan.

    Jazakallah atas nasihat tuan. Alhamdulillah, sekarang isteri saya sentiasa membantu dan menggalakkan saya dalam usaha agama, walaupun dah agak lama tak berpeluang keluar ke jalan Allah bersama.

  4. Mohon doa utk jemaah masturat yg sekarang sedang bergerak di New Caledonia.Ramai ibu2 indonesia di French Colony ni sedia keluar malangnya mereka adalah ibu tunggal atau suami yg tidak kemasjid.semoga Allah swt memberi ilham bagaimana utk buat usha disini serta pilih umat disini juga dtg pada agama.amin
