The Path

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar radiyalaahu anhuma had mentioned, "Whoever wishes to follow the way of another, should follow the ways of those who have passed away. These were the companions of Muhammad sallalaahu alayhi wassalam, who were the best people of this Ummah. Their hearts were most pious, their knowledge was deepest and they were least pretentious. They were people whom Allah Ta'ala had chosen to be companions of His Nabi sallalaahu alayhi wassalam and for the transmission of His Deen. You people should emulate their character and mannerisms. By the Rabb of the Kaabah! The Sahabah radiyalaahu anhum of Rasulullah sallalaahu alayhi wassalam were correctly guided."

Thursday 23 August 2012

The Letter from King Abdul Aziz Aali Saud to Hadhrat Maulana Muhammad Ilyas and Maulana Ihteshamul Hassan rahimahumallah


No: 111/2/21
Date: 3rd Safar, 1357H (Monday 4th April, 1938)

The Government of Saudi Arabia
The Royal Office

Respected Muhammad Ilyas and Muhammad Ihteshamul Hassan, may Allah grants (both of you) peace and tranquility.

Assalamu'alaykum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

Verily his majesty the king had personally studied and reviewed your letter and his majesty the king ordered me to express his gratitude for your noble efforts in dakwah towards the faith of our solafussoleheen and your good ministry in this field. I pray to Allah to bestow upon all of us taufeeq in engaging into the efforts that is full of goodness and benefits.

Wassalamu'alaykum Warrahmatullahi Wabarakatuh

The Royal Office

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