The Path

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar radiyalaahu anhuma had mentioned, "Whoever wishes to follow the way of another, should follow the ways of those who have passed away. These were the companions of Muhammad sallalaahu alayhi wassalam, who were the best people of this Ummah. Their hearts were most pious, their knowledge was deepest and they were least pretentious. They were people whom Allah Ta'ala had chosen to be companions of His Nabi sallalaahu alayhi wassalam and for the transmission of His Deen. You people should emulate their character and mannerisms. By the Rabb of the Kaabah! The Sahabah radiyalaahu anhum of Rasulullah sallalaahu alayhi wassalam were correctly guided."

Tuesday, 4 September 2012

The Letter from Sheikh Muhammad bin Ibrahim rahimahullah (Grand Mufti of Saudi Arabia) to the Ulema' of Al-Aqsa and the East

Dated: 19 Jumad al-Awwal 1373 (24th January, 1954)


From Muhammad bin Ibrahim, to the ulema' of Al-Aqsa and the East. May Allah include me and them as those people who assist each other on righteousness and piety, and include as those who assist whoever is exert and steadfast in dakwah ilallah, aameen.

Assalamualaykum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuh.

Amma ba'du,

The bearer of this letter is Sa'ed Muhammad Ali and friends from tablighi jamaat, Pakistan.

Their mission is to spread reminders, guidance, exhortation and encouragement towards tawheed and aqeedah at masaajid, along with enjoining towards the practice of Al-Qur'an and As-Sunnah, including reminders against bid'ah (innovations) and khurafat (superstitions) in the form grave worshipping, praying to the dead, and all form of other bida'ah and vices.

I write about them, requesting that they be given help and assistance from their fellow brothers, allowing them to carry out their duties, while making du'aa to Allah Ta'ala to grant them ikhlaas niyyat (good intention), tawfeeq to speak the haq (truth), to be saved from slip up speech, and to bring about benefits to their guidance and explanations. Verily He has Power over all things. May peace and blessings be bestowed on our Nabi Muhammad sallalaahu alayhi wasallam, his family and his Sahabah radiyalaahu anhum.

1 comment:

  1. dawat-e-tabligh jamat didn't support grave worshipping. they hates and pary dua for the peoples who are with grave worshipping.
