The Path

Hadhrat Abdullah bin Umar radiyalaahu anhuma had mentioned, "Whoever wishes to follow the way of another, should follow the ways of those who have passed away. These were the companions of Muhammad sallalaahu alayhi wassalam, who were the best people of this Ummah. Their hearts were most pious, their knowledge was deepest and they were least pretentious. They were people whom Allah Ta'ala had chosen to be companions of His Nabi sallalaahu alayhi wassalam and for the transmission of His Deen. You people should emulate their character and mannerisms. By the Rabb of the Kaabah! The Sahabah radiyalaahu anhum of Rasulullah sallalaahu alayhi wassalam were correctly guided."

Thursday 1 July 2010

A Closer Look at Wahhabism - Part 2

Towards the end of his series of weekly early morning lectures, there existed fractions between the namaazis of our masjid. His lectures were filled with allegations of bidaah, deviation and shirk to the usual practices of the people, particularly aamal that are being practiced in Malaysia. At the same time, I frequented Mazahirul Ulum, Masjid Jame' Sri Petaling bombarding the ustaadzs there with my questions and queries about his teachings that increasingly confusing to me.

The first bombshell was dropped on me during one of his lectures. In his excitement in convincing the namazis regarding a contested issue, he jolted me with his remarks when he openly said, "The whole of scholars or ulama' during the time of Al-Ghazali had unanimously agreed that Al-Ghazali had deviated (sesat)!" I instantly raised my voice asking him question in a disapproving tone, "Ustadz! Did you mean Imam Ghazali rahmatullah alayhi, the author of Ihya Ulumuddin?" "Yes!", he replied in a high tone. "In fact, the book, Ihya Ulumuddin is more rightly called **** (he mentioned the Arabic words which I could not remember) which means the trap of Shaytaan!", he said. I could not believe what I just heard. I was wrecked and traumatized. I could not think of better action to take but to instantly stood up and walk away from his majlis.

No sooner I found myself at his house for the third invitation. This time he did not spare me and wasted no time in intimidating me. At the very first words he dropped the second bombshell on me with a smile on his face. He told me that he sympathized with me and especially my family. He told me that I worked hard just to stuck myself in the path of deviation (sesat). Not only that I deviated (sesat) but I had also deviated (menyesatkan) my family. He then continuously abused and vilified tablighi jamaat, at the same time slandering and abusing Maulana Ilyas rahmatullah alayh and his family including Maulana Zakariya rahmatullah alayh. He took out a few copies of Fadha'il Aamal which had been marked with different luminous colours on the pages. We exchanged words and engaged in heated arguments until a handsome Arab visitor arrived at his house. I then left his house in pain and distress.

Alhamdulillah, the sting and agony in my heart quickly faded away. If he had the guts and courage to abuse and vilify one of the Imams of the Ummah, Imam Ghazali rahmatullah alayhi,  should I pay heed to his abuses towards me?


  1. Rasullullah Salallah-hu-Alahe-Wasalam, himself endured so much pain and agony in the path of Daawa. The pain and agony and sting is the dust of this path. But we should keep on trying and praying for these brothers for they dont know what's right. Dawah and being steadfast is the best revenge for shaitan and its followers. Allah bless you and give you Istiqamat.

  2. norainimy: Yes, sad but true...

    Kashif: Aamin, O' Allah! May Allah Ta'ala gives hidayat to us and the whole ummat until the end of time.
